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We at General-oxo take action to align our strategies and operations within the universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

It is a call to advance societal goals.

The foundation of our social responsibility is to value Cultures, Peoples and treat them with respect. This is reflected every day in our operations and business relations.
Our vision being consistent with the UN Global Compact, we are proud to have become an official signatory member of the largest corporate sustainability initiative.



We at General-Oxo are proud to have entered in the Ecovadis CSR certification in the year 2018. 

The world’s most trusted business sustainability ratings.

After being awarded a bronze medal in 2019
, a silver medal in 2020 we continued to rise our CSR standards. This time reaching our first ever gold medal and placing us among the top 5% of more than 90’000 companies assessed globally by Ecovadis.

overall score distribution
  • As a business we have made a commitment to reduce our emissions both internally through efficiency projects, and
    externally by supporting low carbon sustainable development
    projects (offsetting our emissions)

  • By offsetting we are able to compensate for the emissions we
    cannot reduce internally

  • This offers us an effective, immediate way to meet our carbon reduction goals and support the transition to a low carbon economy globally

  • In 2019, we calculated and offset the emissions associated with our business to net zero to achieve carbon neutral status.

Understanding emission scopes

Gigawatt Global Solar, Rwanda

The largest grid-connected solar park in East Africa delivers 15,000 MWh of clean electricity to the Rwandan grid

Project Financed by General-oxo S.A.
Region: Africa

Project type: Renewable energy

Standards: CDM, Gold Standard

Situated on the elevated slopes of Rwamagana District in Rwanda, this project became the largest grid-connected solar park in East Africa following its commissioning in 2014. It is expected to deliver an average of more than 15,000 MWh of clean electricity to the Rwandan grid. The project is hosted by the Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village, which is an orphanage for vulnerable youth.

In addition to delivering emissions reductions to help take urgent action to combat climate change (SDG 13), the project delivers a number of other sustainable development benefits.
These include:

General-oxo each year donate and support local communities.

General-Oxo is compliant to GDPR
You are encouraged to use our whistle blower mail which links directly to our management.
If you are aware of business practices that you think are wrong, you can help us to put things right by voluntarily providing us with information.